
Fill 'er Up!

I've been working on the bouzouki regularly. I'm no Andy Irvine, but I'm at the stage where I want to use fills to make the inbetween singing parts of songs more interesting. Right now I'm looking at a melody sequence as a fill. Later I'll probably want to spruce it up a bit and make things a little more original.

The first song I've done this with is "Catch the Wind" by Donovan. This song has always been a favourite of mine. It's heartfelt, direct and has a touch of poetry about it. Anyway, I modified the fill I've heard in the Irish Descendant's version of the song and came up with this:

The next one I'll put up is "The Boys of the Old Brigade". This song has a lovely lilt to it. The fill is the last two lines of the chorus. Not difficult and leaves some room to spice it up a bit too.